Anime: Bonobono

Have you watched the anime series Bonobono?  It’s one of my favorite shows.  Here is a description from their website:

2016年・春、連載30年というANNIVERSARY YEARに、新たなアニメがスタートしました。
ぼのぼのは土曜日 朝の顔として活躍中です!

ENG > A cartoon production series that first began in 1986, over 30 years ago.  From movies, to anime, to games, and various books, it still remains popular and loved among men and women of all ages.
In the spring of 2016, at the 30th anniversary after it’s original production, a new season for the anime started.
Bonobono is active and can be seen on Saturdays!

Every episode is only about 10 minutes long, and very funny.

In episode 51 “Chipmunk Hates Bugs”, chipmunk hears that his father is gravely ill, so he runs home in a panic.  However, as he recalls it, his father’s illness is not what made him upset;  Instead it was when he arrived and was looking inside his father’s house, and a dragonfly landed on his head. 😄

View the episode here:
Crunchyroll – Bonobono Episode 51 – Chipmunk hates bugs!

To learn more about Bonobono view the website below:


Hometown Rebuilding: Folktales from Japan

Have you ever watched this series?  Every episode contains 3 Japanese folktales in Anime form.  In episode 41, The Three Charms, Sweet Potato Millionaire, and The Geta(s) of Treasure are featured.   Each story is a real Japanese folktale passed down through the generations.  If you are interested in Japanese culture, I definitely recommend checking it out!




Have you seen Cat Japanese History?  While watching Anime, you are also learning a little bit of history!  Interesting isn’t it? (meow)