Practice Scenario 2.5 – Root Cause Analysis

📍 Scenario: Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Meeting | 根本原因分析 (RCA) 会議

🔹 Participants | 参加者

🧑‍💼 CEO (English) | CEO(英語)
📋 Quality Assurance Manager (Japanese) | 品質保証部長(日本語)
🏭 Factory Manager (Japanese) | 工場長(日本語)
📊 Process Engineer (Japanese) | プロセスエンジニア(日本語)

🏭 Scene: Executive Meeting Room – Root Cause Analysis Discussion | 会議室 – 根本原因分析 (RCA) の議論

📝 (A “Root Cause Analysis Report” is displayed on a large screen, showing failure rates and problem trends. The CEO looks serious, while department heads analyze charts and discuss underlying issues.)
📝 (会議室には「根本原因分析 (RCA) レポート」が表示され、故障率や問題傾向が示されている。CEOは真剣な表情で資料を確認し、各部門長がチャートを分析しながら根本的な問題を議論している。)

🔹 Opening Discussion | 会議の開始

🧑‍💼 CEO:
“We need to get to the root cause of these recurring defects. What have we found so far?”

📋 Quality Assurance Manager:
(Analyzing the past three months of data, we found that defect rates have spiked on specific machines.)

🏭 Factory Manager:
(Most issues are occurring on Production Line 3, with defect rates higher during certain shifts.)

📊 Process Engineer:
(Reviewing machine vibration data, we found that precision is gradually deteriorating.)

🔹 Investigating the Root Cause | 根本原因の特定

🧑‍💼 CEO:
“Is the issue mechanical, procedural, or human error?”

📊 Process Engineer:
(Wear and tear on the machines is reducing machining precision. This is a mechanical issue.)

🏭 Factory Manager:
(However, defect rates vary based on worker experience, meaning operator skill level is also a factor.)

📋 Quality Assurance Manager:
“標準作業手順 (SOP) に若干の不備があり、一部の作業者が異なる手順で作業している可能性があります。”
(There are slight inconsistencies in the standard operating procedures (SOP), leading to variations in how tasks are performed.)

🔹 Corrective Actions | 是正措置

🧑‍💼 CEO:
“How do we fix this permanently and prevent recurrence?”

📊 Process Engineer:
(We will replace worn-out components and revise the maintenance schedule.)

🏭 Factory Manager:
(We will implement additional training to improve operator skills.)

📋 Quality Assurance Manager:
(We will revise the SOP to ensure all workers follow standardized procedures. 📋)

🔹 Decision & Next Steps | 決定と今後の対応

🧑‍💼 CEO:
“Good. Implement these corrective actions immediately, and I want a follow-up report in two weeks.”

📊 Process Engineer:
(We will update the maintenance plan and proceed with the necessary part replacements!)

🏭 Factory Manager:
(We will reinforce operator training and work towards stabilizing quality! 💪)

📋 Quality Assurance Manager:
(We will monitor the improvements and determine if further adjustments are needed! 📋)

(The meeting concludes as teams begin implementing corrective actions to prevent further defects.)

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