Guide – Particle 「まで」

The まで particle is a versatile particle used in Japanese to indicate a range of things, such as time, place, or extent. Here are some examples of how the まで particle is used:

Indicating Time:

The まで particle is often used to indicate the time by which something will happen or be completed. It is similar to the English expression “by” or “until”. For example:

明日の朝までにレポートを提出してください。(Ashita no asa made ni repooto o teishutsu shite kudasai.)
Please submit the report by tomorrow morning.

毎日午後8時まで働いています。(Mainichi hachi-ji made hataraiteimasu.)
I work until 8 p.m. every day.

Indicating Place:

The まで particle can also be used to indicate the place up to which someone or something will go. It is similar to the English expression “as far as”. For example:

駅まで送ってください。(Eki made okutte kudasai.)
Please take me as far as the station.

山の頂上まで登るつもりです。(Yama no choujou made noboru tsumori desu.)
I intend to climb as far as the summit of the mountain.

Indicating Extent:

The まで particle can also be used to indicate the extent of something, such as a range of numbers, amounts, or quantities. It is similar to the English expression “up to” or “as much as”. For example:

100万円までなら買えます。(Hyakuman-en made nara kaemasu.)
I can buy it up to 1 million yen.

Expressing Surprise:

The まで particle can also be used to express surprise, emphasizing the extent of something that goes beyond what was expected. For example:

彼は電話で涙まで流していた。(Kare wa denwa de namida made nagashite ita.)
He was even crying on the phone.

In conclusion, the まで particle is a versatile particle used in Japanese to indicate a range of things, such as time, place, or extent. Its usage can vary depending on the context and relationship between the speaker and listener.

Guide – Particle 「や」

The や particle is a versatile particle used in Japanese to list examples or choices without implying a definitive or exhaustive list. Here are some examples of how the や particle is used:

Listing Examples:

The や particle is often used to list examples of things, people, or actions without implying that the list is exhaustive. It is similar to the English expression “such as” or “including”. For example:

動物園では、ライオンやトラやキリンが見られます。(Doubutsuen de wa, raion ya tora ya kirin ga miraremasu.)
At the zoo, you can see animals such as lions, tigers, and giraffes.

日本の食べ物には、寿司やラーメンやうどんがあります。(Nihon no tabemono ni wa, sushi ya raamen ya udon ga arimasu.)
Japanese cuisine includes dishes such as sushi, ramen, and udon.

Listing Choices:

The や particle is also used to list choices, usually when the speaker wants to suggest a few options without necessarily committing to any one of them. For example:

今日の夕食には、肉や魚や野菜、どれにする?(Kyou no yuushoku ni wa, niku ya sakana ya yasai, dore ni suru?)
For dinner tonight, which one do you want: meat, fish, or vegetables?

今度の旅行では、京都や大阪や広島に行く予定です。(Kondo no ryokou de wa, Kyouto ya Oosaka ya Hiroshima ni iku yotei desu.)
For the next trip, we plan to go to places like Kyoto, Osaka, or Hiroshima.

Expressing Incompletion:

The や particle can also be used to indicate that a list is not complete and that there are other items that could be added to it. For example:

日本のお土産には、折り紙や漆器があります。(Nihon no omiyage ni wa, origami ya shikki ya wagashi ga arimasu.)
Japanese souvenirs include things like origami, lacquerware, and other things.

In conclusion, the や particle is a versatile particle used in Japanese to list examples or choices without implying a definitive or exhaustive list. Its usage can vary depending on the context and relationship between the speaker and listener.

Guide – Particle 「よ」

The よ sentence ending particle is a common and versatile particle used in Japanese. It is used to emphasize or assert a statement, to give new information or to draw attention to something. Here are some examples of how the よ particle is used:

Emphasizing a Statement:

One of the most common uses of the よ particle is to emphasize or assert a statement. It is often used when the speaker wants to make a point or convey a sense of conviction. For example:

あの店のラーメンは美味しいよ。(Ano mise no raamen wa oishii yo.)
That restaurant’s ramen is really delicious!

早く来てよ!(Hayaku kite yo!)
Hurry up and come here!

Giving New Information:

The よ particle can also be used to give new information to the listener. It is often used when the speaker thinks that the listener does not know something important or interesting. For example:

明日はテストだよ。(Ashita wa tesuto da yo.)
Tomorrow is the test, you know.

あの人、昨日結婚したよ。(Ano hito, kinou kekkon shita yo.)
That person got married yesterday, you know.

Drawing Attention:

The よ particle can also be used to draw attention to something. It is often used when the speaker wants to emphasize a point or highlight a certain aspect of the conversation. For example:

この本は面白いよ。(Kono hon wa omoshiroi yo.)
This book is really interesting, you know.

この景色、きれいだよね。(Kono keshiki, kirei da yo ne.)
This scenery is beautiful, don’t you think?

Softening a Statement:

The よ particle can also be used to soften a statement, making it sound more friendly and approachable. It is often used in conversations between friends or people with close relationships. For example:

あの人、元気だよ。(Ano hito, genki da yo.)
That person is doing well, you know.

今日はありがとう、助かったよ。(Kyou wa arigatou, tasukatta yo.)
Thanks for today, you really helped me out.

In conclusion, the よ particle is a versatile particle used in Japanese to emphasize or assert a statement, give new information, draw attention to something, and soften a statement. Its usage can vary depending on the context and relationship between the speaker and listener.

Zephyr the Dragonfly


Once upon a time, in a lush green meadow, there lived a beautiful dragonfly named Zephyr. Zephyr was no ordinary dragonfly. Her wings shimmered in the sunlight, with hues of emerald and sapphire. She was known to be the fastest and most graceful dragonfly in the meadow, darting effortlessly through the air.

Zephyr spent her days fluttering from flower to flower and enjoying the warm sun on her wings. She would often stop to rest on a lily pad, admiring her reflection in the clear pond below. She was content with her simple life in the meadow, but deep down, she yearned for adventure.

One day, as Zephyr was basking in the sun, she heard a faint cry for help. She followed the sound and found a small frog caught in a spider’s web. Without hesitation, Zephyr flew to the rescue. Using her strong wings, she carefully untangled the frog from the web and set him free. The grateful frog hopped away, thanking Zephyr for her bravery.

From that day on, Zephyr became known as the protector of the meadow. Whenever a creature was in trouble, she was there to lend a helping wing. She saved birds from being caught by cats, rescued fish from shallow waters, and even helped bees find their way back to their hive.

Zephyr’s heroism didn’t go unnoticed. One day, as she was flying over the meadow, she heard a voice calling her name. She followed the sound and found a wise old dragon perched on a rock.

“Zephyr, I have been watching you. Your kind heart and bravery have made you a hero in this meadow,” said the dragon.

Zephyr was surprised but grateful for the dragon’s kind words.

“As a token of my appreciation, I will grant you one wish,” said the dragon.

Zephyr thought for a moment before answering, “I wish to explore the world beyond this meadow.”

The dragon smiled, “Your wish is granted.”

Zephyr’s wings began to glow, and suddenly, she was lifted high into the air. She soared above the trees, over the mountains, and across the seas. She saw things she never imagined existed, from towering waterfalls to bustling cities. She met creatures of all shapes and sizes, and shared her stories of heroism and kindness.

As she traveled, Zephyr realized that her simple life in the meadow was just the beginning of her adventure. She returned to the meadow, grateful for the experiences and friendships she had gained along the way. From that day on, Zephyr continued to spread kindness and joy, inspiring others to be brave and explore the world beyond their own backyard.

Guide – Particle 「わ」

The topic marker “わ” is written as “は” and used to indicate the topic of a sentence or conversation.

Introducing a New Topic:

One of the most common functions of the は topic particle is to introduce a new topic into a conversation. By placing “は” at the beginning of a sentence, the speaker indicates that they are about to talk about a new subject. Here are some examples:

  • 明日はどこに行くの?わたしは公園に行く。 (Ashita wa doko ni iku no? Watashi wa kouen ni iku) – Where are you going tomorrow? I’m going to the park.
  • 最近、疲れているのよ。わたしはもっと休む必要がある。 (Saikin, tsukarete iru no yo. Watashi wa motto yasumu hitsuyou ga aru) – I’ve been tired lately. I need to rest more.
Emphasizing the Topic:

The は topic particle can also be used to emphasize the topic of a sentence. By placing “は” after the topic, the speaker draws attention to it, indicating that it is important or relevant to the conversation. Here are some examples:

  • 花子さん、お父さんは元気ですか? (Hanako-san, otousan wa genki desu ka?) – Hanako, is your father doing well?
  • うちは犬が3匹いる。 (Uchi wa inu ga sanbiki iru) – We have three dogs at home.
Clarifying the Topic:

In some cases, the は topic particle can be used to clarify the topic of a sentence or conversation. By using “は”, the speaker indicates that they are focusing on a specific aspect of the topic. Here is an example:

  • 日本の食べ物はおいしい。 (Nihon no tabemono wa oishii) – Japanese food is delicious.
Expressing Contrast:

Finally, the は topic particle can be used to express a contrast between the topic and the listener’s expectation. In this case, it is often used with a rising intonation to show that the speaker is surprised or disagrees with the listener. Here are some examples:

  • 彼女は医者よ。わたしとは違う。 (Kanojo wa isha yo. Watashi to wa chigau)
    She’s a doctor. She’s different from me.
  • 昨日、天気がよかったわね。でも、今日は雨が降るらしい。 (Kinou, tenki ga yokatta wa ne. Demo, kyou wa ame ga furu rashii)
    The weather was good yesterday, right? But it looks like it will rain today.

In summary, the わ・は topic particle is used to indicate the topic of a sentence or conversation, to emphasize or clarify the topic, or to express a contrast with the listener’s expectation. Its usage can vary depending on the context and the speaker’s intention.

Guide – Particle 「~わ」

The particle “わ” (wa) as a sentence-ending particle is used to indicate a soft or feminine tone, or to express a certain emotion.

Softening Tone:

In Japanese, it is important to pay attention to the tone in which you speak. By using the わ particle, one can add a soft or gentle tone to a sentence, making it sound more polite or feminine. It can be used by both males and females, although it is generally considered to be more feminine. Here are some examples:

おいしいわ (Oishii wa)
It’s delicious (said with a gentle tone)

Expressing Emotion:

The わ particle can also be used to convey emotion, such as surprise, anger, or excitement. In this case, it is often used with an exclamation point to emphasize the emotion being expressed. Here are some examples:

すごいわ! (Sugoi wa!)
Amazing! (said with excitement)