英会話 – On the street

Two friends are walking along the street.
Warren: It’s a beautiful day today, isn’t it Peggy Sue?
Peggy Sue: Absolutely. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, spring has definitely sprung !
Warren: What do you want to do this afternoon? We could go to a movie, try that new Italian restaurant, or how about…
Peggy Sue’s friend Judy walks by
Peggy Sue: Judy! Hi!
Judy: Hey! How are you Peggy Sue?
Peggy Sue and Judy hug
Peggy Sue: I’m fine! What are you up to ?
Judy: Oh, I’m just out shopping. What are you guys up to?
Peggy Sue: We’re just out for a walk. This is my friend Warren.
Warren: Hi, nice to meet you.
Warren and Judy shake hands
Judy: Nice to meet you too!
Warren: How do you two know each other?
Peggy Sue: We sat next to each other in Italian class last year. We haven’t seen each other in ages!
Judy: I know! I’m so happy to run into you !
Warren: Why don’t you join us? We were just talking about going to lunch.
Peggy Sue: Oh yes! Then we can catch up4.
Judy: I would love to! Thank you.
Warren: No problem! Any friend of Peggy Sue’s is a friend of mine.

英会話 – My Family’s Occupations

Person 1: I would like to know more about your family. What is your father’s occupation?
Person 2: My father is an airline pilot. He has been a pilot for twenty years. Right now, he is flying from Kyiv to Berlin.
Person 1: Wow, that’s interesting. What does your mother do?
Person 2: My mother is an artist. She paints and draws. She has painted over 100 pictures. Now, she is painting a large picture of boats sailing on an ocean.
Person 1: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Person 2: Yes, I have one brother and one sister.
Person 1: What are their occupations?
Person 2: My brother is a teacher. He teaches biology and physics at a lyceum. He has been a teacher for five years. This year, he is also coaching the school’s football team.
Person 1: And what does your sister do?
Person 2: My sister is a student at university. She has studied both law and business and she wants to be a lawyer. She is working at a law office this summer.
Person 1: What a busy family you have!

英会話 – How’s the family?

Two friends over coffee.
John: Hi Sally, nice to see you.
Sally: You too, how’s your family doing?
John: Oh, you know, same old, same old. My wife is loving her new job and little Johnny just finished the first grade.
Sally: Oh, that’s wonderful. How is your sister?
John: Julie? She’s doing alright. She’s been really sick lately, but I think she’s getting better.
Sally: I’m so sorry to hear that. Please send her my regards.
John: I will, but enough about me. What’s new with you?
Sally: Well, my brother Ken just got married and is on his honeymoon right now in Greece.
John: I’m jealous! All we did for our honeymoon was go to the mountains for the weekend.
Sally: I know, he’s lucky! Our parents gave the trip to him and his wife as a wedding gift. I just hope they have enough money saved for my honeymoon!
John: Yeah, is there someone special in the picture?
Sally: No, not really. I’ve just been so busy at work, it’s hard to find the time to date.
John: I know what you mean, but enjoy being single while it lasts. Family life can be a handful.
Sally: I’m sure, I’m certainly in no hurry for a family. Someday I would like to have kids, but right now I feel like I’m too young.
John: You’ll know when the time is right.
Sally: Yeah, I think I will.

英会話 – Filling in a form

Two friends filling in a form together
Jane: Your painting is fantastic Roger!
Roger: I’m happy you like it. I’m going to enter it into a competition. Here’s the form, could you help me fill it out please? My hands have paint all over them.
Jane: OK, here are the questions….What’s your name?
Roger: oh, that’s easy … Roger!
Jane: Ha! What’s your last name?
Roger: I’m not sure …
Jane: Very funny! OK, surname – Tailor
Roger: You got it!
Jane: Next question. Married or single?
Roger: Single. I’m sure about that!
Jane: What’s your address?
Roger: 72 Londonberry Road.
Jane:… and what are your hobbies?
Roger: hmmm…. painting, going surfing and watching movies.
Jane: What is your Nationality?
Roger: Same as yours, American
Jane: …and your birthday?
Roger: August 25th 1984
Jane: Ok, and how old are you?
Roger: Can’t you do the math?
Jane: Just tell me your age!
Roger: I’m twenty-six years old.
Jane: … OK, last question. What’s your telephone number?
Roger: 0343 897 6514
Jane: 0343 897 6514 – Got it. Let’s send it! Where’s an envelope?
Roger: On the desk. Thanks so much for your help!
Jane: No problem! I know you’ll win!

英会話 – Meeting your friend’s parents

At your American friend, Shaun’s house
Shaun: Hi! I’m so glad you could come over!
Ukrainian Exchange Student: Thank you very much for the invitation! Doing my homework by myself is so boring.
Shaun: No problem! Do you want to meet my parents?
U.E.S: Uh, ok, but I’m a little shy and I’m afraid that my English isn’t very good.
Shaun: Don’t worry about it! They’re excited to meet you.
U.E.S: Alright!
Shaun: Mom! Dad! Come and meet my new homework buddy!
Shaun’s mom and dad enter the room
Shaun: This is my friend from school. She’s from Ukraine!
Shaun’s Mom: Well hello! Nice to meet you!
Shaun’s Dad: Welcome to the United States, and to our home.
U.E.S.: Thank you very much, you have a lovely house.
Shaun’s Mom: Thank you! My , your English is so good! Where did you learn to speak so well?
U.E.S: Back in Ukraine at school. During the 9th grade, I had a Peace Corps Volunteer teacher and she really helped my progress.
Shaun’s Mom: Well, isn’t that nice!
Shaun’s Dad: Would you like some tea? I know Ukrainians love tea.
U.E.S: No thank you. I think maybe we should get started on our homework now.
Shaun: Yeah, we have a big math test tomorrow and we have to study.
Shaun’s Mom: Ok then, if you need anything, you know where we’ll be!
Shaun: Thanks mom.
U.E.S: It was nice talking to you both.
Shaun’s Dad: You too! Good luck on the test!
U.E.S. and Shaun: Thank you!!

英会話 – Meeting a new friend in class

Sam: Hi! Can I sit here?
Laura: Sure.
Sam: What’s your name?
Laura: I’m Laura, what’s your name?
Sam: I’m Sam. Nice to meet you.
Laura: Nice to meet you too! Where are you from?
Sam: I’m from Springfield, what about you?
Laura: I’m from Australia.
Sam: Wow, that’s really far away! How old are you?
Laura: I’m nineteen, you?
Sam: I’m twenty. What are you doing so far away from home?
Laura: Well, my parents and I moved to New York a few years ago. I graduated from high school and I wanted to stay in America for college.
Sam: What an adventure! This is my first time out of my hometown. Springfield is a small town and I have a lot of brothers and sisters so I always had to help take care of them.
Laura: How many siblings?
Sam: I have four sisters and three brothers.
Laura: Oh wow! That’s a lot! I can’t imagine. I’m an only child.
Sam: Well, it can be a handful sometimes but I love them all. It must be nice to have so much time to yourself at home.
Laura: It’s ok, I can practice my music whenever I want to so, that’s nice.
Sam: Music? What kind of music?
Laura: I play the clarinet, piano and guitar. I love to write music and then record myself playing it.
Sam: Wow that’s really cool! I like music too, but I can’t really play anything. I try to play to the bass guitar, but I’m not really that good.
Laura: Well, maybe we can play together sometime!
Sam: That would be really great! Thanks!
Laura: You’re welcome. Well, nice to meet you Sam. I gotta go now!
Sam: Ok Laura. See ya soon.
Laura: See ya!