英会話 – Returning a microwave

Customer: Hello, I’d like to return this microwave please.
Shop Assistant: And why do you want to return it?
Customer: It doesn’t work. I turn it on and nothing happens.
Shop Assistant: I see, do you have a receipt?
Customer: I threw it away, I didn’t think I needed it.
Shop Assistant: To get your money back I need to see your receipt, if you don’t have one I can give you store credit.
Customer: That’s fine. I don’t want my money back; I just want a microwave that works!
Shop Assistant: Would you like the same brand or a different one?
Customer: Maybe I should try a different brand, my confidence in this one is shot after this experience.
Shop Assistant: Okay, here is another one that I can recommend.
Customer: That one looks very nice, is it more expensive?
Shop Assistant: A little bit, but the quality is much better.
Customer: I suppose you get what you pay for. It’s a little more, but I still think it’s a good value.
Shop Assistant: I can ring you up here if you’d like.
Customer: There’s a few more things I want to buy today, I’ll just buy it at the counter with my other things.
Shop Assistant: Okay, is there any other way I may be of service?
Customer: You’ve been very helpful already, thank you.

英会話 – Buying a gift

Sue: Hi, can you help me?
Sales Assistant: Sure. What are you looking for?
Sue: I need to buy a gift for my father and I don’t know where to begin!
Sales Assistant: I can help you with that. What does your father like to do for fun?
Sue: He loves to golf, ski, and watch movies.
Sales Assistant: Okay, and what’s your price range?
Sue: Under $50 would be great!
Sales Assistant: Well, we are having a sale on DVDs, if you want to get him a movie.
Sue: No, he has a lot already. Maybe he would like some new clothes.
Sales Assistant: Ok! We have a wonderful new selection of ski sweaters for around fifty bucks, if you’re interested.
Sue: I think a ski sweater would be great. Can you please show them to me?
Sales Assistant: Certainly, they’re in the men’s sports department. Right this way.
They walk to the department
Sales Assistant: Here you go, what color does he like?
Sue: I think he would like that blue and white one.
Sales Assistant: What’s his size?
Sue: Medium will be fine. Thank you so much! I’m sure he’ll love it!
Sales Assistant: No problem at all.

英会話 – Buying shoes

Shop Assistant: Hello, how may I help you?
Leonard: I would like to buy some shoes please.
Shop Assistant: Ok, what style?
Leonard: Sneakers, for running.
Shop Assistant: Sure. The size?
Leonard: Size 9 please.
Shop Assistant: Here are some new Nikes. Try them on.
Leonard: Oh they fit well! Thanks! How much are they?
Shop Assistant: 75 bucks, plus tax.
Leonard: Oh, they’re kind of expensive!
Shop Assistant: Well, they are of very good quality. They’ll last for a long time.
Leonard: Hmm, ok. I’ll take ‘em! Here’s $100.
Shop Assistant: Thank you, here’s your change. Enjoy your new shoes! Come back again soon.
Leonard: Thank you! See ya!
Shop Assistant: Goodbye.

英会話 – Getting a pet

Wanda= Store Clerk
Larry= Boy Shopper

Wanda: Hello, how may I help you?
Larry: I’m here to buy a pet.
Wanda: What kind of pet are you interested in?
Larry: Do you have any dogs?
Wanda: Yes, of course. Are you looking for a specific breed?
Larry: Not really, just one that would be a good companion.
Wanda: We have quite a few to choose from. Why don’t you come take a look?
Larry: Okay.
Wanda shows Larry to the dogs that are for sale.
Wanda: Would you like a large dog or a smaller one?
Larry: How about a medium sized dog? What about this one here?
Wanda: Oh, I’m sorry. Another person has already bought that dog. They will come by later today to pick him up.
Larry: Oh, that’s too bad. He’s so adorable! Do you have any others that are this size?
Wanda: Yes, right over there. Wanda points.
Larry: Oh, he’s perfect! I want to take him home with me right now!
Wanda: Do you want to buy some food or toys for him?
Larry: Definitely, I’ll come back in one hour with my Mom and we’ll decide what to get then.
Wanda: Okay, see you soon!

英会話 – Returning a shirt

Mrs. Smith: Excuse me, can you help me?
Shop Assistant: Yes of course, what can I do for you?
Mrs. Smith: I bought this T-shirt for my son this afternoon, but it doesn’t fit him, it’s too small.
Shop Assistant: Would you like to exchange it or get a refund?
Mrs. Smith: I’d like to exchange it for a larger size. Do you have these in large?
Shop Assistant: I’ll check. Let’s see…we have large or extra large, which would you prefer?
Mrs. Smith: I think large will be fine.
Shop Assistant: Ok, if it doesn’t fit just bring it back again. Just take it to the cashier, they’ll help you.
Mrs. Smith: Thank you.
Shop Assistant: Not a problem!

英会話 – At the (Ukrainian) Shop

Seller: Good Afternoon.
Customer: Hello!
Seller: How can I help you?
Customer: I am looking for apples. Do you have any apples?
Seller: Yes! We have many apples.
Customer: Are they fresh?
Seller: Yes, they’re very fresh.
Customer: Great! I would like 1 kilogram of apples, please.
Seller: Here you are. Anything else?
Customer: Yes, please. I would also like a liter of milk and 1 kilogram of potatoes.
Seller: Anything else?
Customer: No, that’s all. How much does it cost?
Seller: It costs 18 hryven and 25 kopeks.
Customer: Here you are. Thank you!
Seller: Come back soon!