英会話 – Visiting New York

Tanya: New York is a beautiful city! I am so happy we are here, Michelle.
Michelle: I am excited to see Central Park. Tanya, how many parks does New York City have?
Tanya: I will look in my book….hmmm, here it is, I found it! New York City has more than 1,700 parks and recreation areas.
Michelle: Oh my, that is a lot! Where would you like to go in New York City?
Tanya: I was reading my book about New York City and I read that some of the museums in New York are the greatest in the world!
Michelle: I am so excited to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art! It has more than 200 galleries, more than 2,000 European paintings, more than 4,000 American pieces of art, and the entire ancient Egyptian Temple of Dendur.
Tanya: This city makes me happy. I also want to look at universities here. Maybe I will move here after high school. New York City has more than ninety colleges and universities!
Michelle: Wow, we have so much to see! Let’s get started. Where should we go first?
Tanya: First, let’s take our luggage to the hotel room, get something to eat, and then we’ll be ready!
Michelle: Sounds perfect!

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