Anime: Bonobono
Have you watched the anime series Bonobono? It’s one of my favorite shows. Here is a description from their website:
2016年・春、連載30年というANNIVERSARY YEARに、新たなアニメがスタートしました。
ぼのぼのは土曜日 朝の顔として活躍中です!ENG > A cartoon production series that first began in 1986, over 30 years ago. From movies, to anime, to games, and various books, it still remains popular and loved among men and women of all ages.
In the spring of 2016, at the 30th anniversary after it’s original production, a new season for the anime started.
Bonobono is active and can be seen on Saturdays!
Every episode is only about 10 minutes long, and very funny.
In episode 51 “Chipmunk Hates Bugs”, chipmunk hears that his father is gravely ill, so he runs home in a panic. However, as he recalls it, his father’s illness is not what made him upset; Instead it was when he arrived and was looking inside his father’s house, and a dragonfly landed on his head. 😄
View the episode here:
Crunchyroll – Bonobono Episode 51 – Chipmunk hates bugs!
To learn more about Bonobono view the website below:
Would you ride a flying car?
A hover car certainly looks cool, but would you be willing to ride one at this early stage of development? This machine operates without a pilot, takes off vertically and is electric powered. What if something goes wrong and a pilot is needed, what would happen? I imagine that if there were enough of them, the skies would be just as crowded and twice as loud as the streets. Would the skies then become just as dangerous as the streets? I guess flying directly to your destination may be worth the risk, but I would pack a parachute!
Political Vocabulary
国民・市民 citizen |
憲法 constitution |
政府 government |
政党 political party |
保守 conservative |
与党 the ruling party |
政策 Policy |
議員 An assembly member |
議長 chairman |
議会 ぎかい Diet, congress, parliament |
通常国会・特別国会・臨時国会 ordinary session of congress / special session of congress / extraordinary session of Diet |
衆議院・参議院 House of Representatives (lower) / House of Councillors (upper) |
大統領 president,chief executive |
内閣解散 dissolve cabinet/house |
法案 / 議案 Legislation / legislative bill |
決議・議決 resolution, vote, decision |
賛成 approval; adoption (e.g. motion, bill); passage |
否決・反対・却下 rejection, disapproval |
措置・対策・処置 a measure |
選挙 an election |
立候補する・候補者 announcing candidacy / candidate |
当選 ・落選 election to office / failing to be elected |
就任 inauguration |
辞任 resignation |
外交 diplomacy, foreign relations |
条約 treaty, pact |
同盟 alliance, union, league |
交渉 negotiation |
連邦 commonwealth, federation of states |
市長 mayor |
区役所・市役所・県庁・都庁 government offices |
予算・補正予算・予算案 budget / revised budget / draft budget |
財源 source of funds, resources, finances |
納税 payment of taxes |
滞納 non-payment, default |
所得税 income tax |
民主主義 democracy |
社会主義 socialism |
共産主義 communism |
国会議員 member of the Diet (congress) |
行政改革 administrative reform |
国家財政 national finance |
提出 presentation, submission, filing |
官僚 bureaucrat, bureaucracy |
左派・右派・派閥・流派 left wing / right wing / faction / school |
司法 (法を司る) Administration of Justice |
立法 (法を立てる) legislation, lawmaking |
行政 (政治を行う) administration |
内閣総理大臣 (通称:総理・首相・総理大臣) Prime Minister |
外務省 Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
大蔵省 Ministry of Finance |
厚生労働省(厚労省) Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare |
防衛省 Defense Ministry |
国土交通省 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport |
内閣官房長官 Secretary General of the Cabinet |
自由民主党 (自民党) Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) |
民主党 Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) |
社会民主党 (社民党) Social Democratic Party (SDP) |
公明党 NCDP (New Clean Government Party) |
国民新党 the People’s New Party |
票 a vote |
日本共産党 (共産党)(JCP) Japanese Communist Party |
無所属 Independent |
政権 administration |
野党 opposition party |
国会 National Diet, parliament, congress |
開会・休会・閉会 opening / adjournment / closure of a meeting |
改正・修正 amendment / correction, revision |
協定 arrangement; pact; agreement |
投票 poll; voting |
長官 Director, Chief, Senior elected official |
援助 assistance/aid/support |
知事 prefectural governor |
課税 Taxation |
消費税 consumption tax |
独裁主義 Despotism |
漏えい(漏洩)・流出 leak, divulge, disclose… |
三権分立 Separation of the tree powers |
内閣 Cabinet |
文部省 (正しくは文部科学省) Ministry of Education |
大臣 a cabinet minister |
Hometown Rebuilding: Folktales from Japan
Have you ever watched this series? Every episode contains 3 Japanese folktales in Anime form. In episode 41, The Three Charms, Sweet Potato Millionaire, and The Geta(s) of Treasure are featured. Each story is a real Japanese folktale passed down through the generations. If you are interested in Japanese culture, I definitely recommend checking it out!
Is an electronic dictionary a good investment?
Do you own an electronic dictionary? They have many features, but cost a lot. They say Casio is the best brand, but I wondering if it is worth the price tag… These days a cell phone seems to work almost just as good. I’m not sure if I should buy one or not.