Private viewing of Nagano Prefectural Museum of Art before it’s grand opening
Before the Art Museum in Nagano City underwent reconstruction work and was renamed to the “Nagano Prefectural Museum of Art”, the inside of the museum was opened to the public and the press.
長野市の善光寺近くの信濃美術館は老朽化などのため2017年10月に休館し、建て替え工事が行われていました。 The Shinano Art Museum near Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City was closed in October 2017 due to various reasons including deterioration, and reconstruction work was set to begin.
The construction was completed and a private viewing was held on the 21st, before the grand opening on April 10th of this year. The new building has 3 floors above ground and 1 floor below ground, and the total floor area is about 11,000 square meters, which is over three times larger than its prior size before the rebuilding.
It is designed to take advantage of the terrain with different heights so that it blends in with the surrounding landscape, and glass is often used for the outer walls.
Inside, there is a new restaurant where you can sit anywhere and eat while observing Zenkoji and a newly constructed library with a collection of art-related books. Also, with the exception of one exhibition, admission is free.
“I would like to see people come through the entrance carefree, and spending as much time as they want to. My intention and desire is to make this museum part of and to be used in our everyday lives.” says Director Toru Matsumoto.
[One of my translated articles (for practice)]
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga responded to the reporter’s questions at the Prime Minister’s Office after the videoconference for the leaders of the seven developed countries (G7) who gathered for the first time on the early morning of the 20th. Here is a detailed report:
Q. G7首脳会議ではどのようなことを話したか。東京五輪・パラリンピックへの言及はあったか。 What did you talk about at the G7 Summit? Did you mention the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics?
私から日本の感染状況、その対策、そうしたものを発表しまして、評価を得ることができました。また感染症収束の決め手となるワクチンでありますけども、このワクチンについて公平な形で配分をさせる。そのことの重要性について議論し、その方向で一致をしてます。 I was able to inform them of our infection rate, and the effective measures we’ve taken. In addition, the vaccine will put an end to this infectious disease, and how it will be distributed fairly. We discussed the importance and agreed upon a direction forward.
また、東京オリンピック・パラリンピックでありますけれども、今年の夏、人類がコロナとの戦いに打ち勝った証しとして、安全、安心の大会を実現したい。そうしたことを私から発言をいたしまして、G7首脳全員の支持を得ることができました。大変心強い。このように思ってます。 Of course there are the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, but this summer, as a sign of humanities victory over Corona, I would like to see a safe and secure tournament come to fruition. I made a statement saying so and was able to gain the support of all the G7 leaders. It was very encouraging. That’s how I felt about it.
初めてのG7首脳との会談でありましたけれども、普遍的価値観を共有するそれぞれのリーダーとして、これからポストコロナを含めて、団結してやっていこうという、そういうことで大変力強い会合だったというふうに思ってます。 Although it was the first meeting with the G7 leaders, as leaders who share a universal set of values, we will work together even more from now on including getting past corona. In that sense, I felt it to be a very powerful meeting.
Q. G7首脳が東京五輪の開催を支持したことの意義についてどのように考えるか。 What do you think about the significance of the G7 leaders supporting the holding of the Tokyo Olympics?
このような状況の中で安全、安心な大会を目指して進めていることについて支持を得られたことは大変心強い。そういう思いをいたしました。 In circumstances such as these, I’m very grateful for gaining the support to continue the athletic games with a focus on safety and security.
Q. 首脳声明では、開催を「支持する」ではなく、開催をする「日本の決意を支持する」という表現だが、東京五輪の開催に何か疑念の声があったということなのか。 In a joint statement by summit leaders, they did not state “we support holding the event” but rather “we support Japan’s decision to hold the event.”, so could there be some doubt expressed in Japan’s decision to hold the event?
それは全くなかったです。 That wasn’t it at all
Q. G7首脳もこれまでとメンバーが変わったが。 There are many new members now in the G7 though,
それぞれの首脳とは電話会談をしていましたが、いざ映像で全員一緒に長い時間映っていますから、何となく親近感を得ることができたのかなと、そんな思いでした。 I had a telephone conversation with each of the leaders, and being on screen together and seeing everyone for a long while, I began to feel as if we were truly connecting.
Q. 開催の支持ではなく開催の決意の支持となった理由は何かあるのか。 Was there a reason for supporting the decision to hold the event rather than supporting it?
Ms. Sakai of Jinai Girls’ High School, wins the Minister of the Environment Award dragonfly painting contest.
酒井佑理子さんの大賞・環境大臣賞受賞作「学校の帰り道、堤防で」 Yuriko Sakai’s winning work and winner of the Minister of the Environment Award Grand Prize: “On the embankment, on the way home from school.”
【福井】トンボや、トンボのいる風景を題材に自然の大切さを表現する第35回「WE LOVE トンボ」絵画コンクール(朝日新聞社・朝日学生新聞社主催、文部科学省・環境省など後援、トンボ協賛)の高校生の部で、仁愛女子2年の酒井佑理子さん(17)=福井市=の水彩画「学校の帰り道、堤防で」が最高賞の大賞・環境大臣賞を受賞した。
[Fukui] At the 35th WE LOVE DRAGONFLIES contest held in the high school, the theme is Dragonflies, and scenery with dragonflies in it, with significant emphasis on expressing nature. (sponsored by Asahi Shimbun, Asahi Student Newspaper, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of the Environment, and dragonfly appreciated), Yuriko Sakai (17) = Fukui City = watercolor painting “On the way home from school, at the embankment” won the Minister of the Environment Award grand prize.
The competition has been held for children and students since 1986 to support the creation of the “Dragonfly Kingdom” in Shimanto City, Kochi Prefecture, and to spread the movement to protect dragonflies and nature nationwide. The highest awards were the Minister of the Environment Award and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award, and this time there were 107,376 entries from 4,471 schools.
The award-winning work shows countless dragonflies looking down on a girl in an evening embankment who has her index finger pointed up at them. “People always look up, but looking at it the other way around, I had fun painting and imagining.” says Sakai. The clarity of the pale white translucent dragonfly wings showing motion and the vegetation on the embankment gives it the feeling of an actual photograph so the painter actually appears to have studied the environment’s varied hues and shades. “But I wanted to express more illumination by the setting sun.” she said dissatisfied.
In junior high school, the brass band club. I used to draw pictures of my favorite anime and animals, but I didn’t start drawing in earnest until after I joined the high school art club. Now, I’m aiming to go on to art school, and I’m focusing on drawing through club activities three times a week.
When Ms. Sakai returns home from school, she often raises her finger to see if a dragonfly will stop. “They don’t always stop, but I like the time I spend thinking about it.” The award-winning work expresses my deep desire that dragonflies will always be flying in the embankment, “I will continue to draw naturally, keeping in mind the perspectives of animals, plants, and insects.” she says. (Kazuhiro Nakata)
SOURCE:(ORIGINAL BY 中田和宏 at 2020年12月22日 10時30分)
[One of my recently translated articles (for practice)]
There was not a major tsunami, but if the epicenter was a little shallower … “This time it was very close.” -Chairman of the investigation committee
In response to the earthquake on the night of the 13th, which recorded a maximum seismic intensity of a little over 6 off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture, the government’s Earthquake Research Committee held an extraordinary session on the 14th, and announced that the seaside that sank under the rock plate occurred within the “Pacific Plate”. The epicenter was relatively deep, at about 55 km, but the seafloor did not deform significantly, so there was no major tsunami that could have caused damage.
The epicenter was about 110 kilometers southwest of the epicenter of the Great East Japan Earthquake, which is in the aftershock area of that earthquake. According to the committee, a 20cm tsunami was detected at Ishinomaki Port in Miyagi Prefecture and a 10cm tsunami at the Sendai Port of Soma City in Fukushima Prefecture among other places. After the earthquake, there have been 54 aftershocks so far, with 3 of them having a seismic intensity of 3 or higher (as of 10:00 am on the 15th).
The Japan Meteorological Agency warns that further earthquakes with a maximum seismic intensity of 6 or higher may occur in its wake for the next week. “If the epicenter was a little shallower and larger, a high tsunami could have occurred. This time it was very close. Even a 30cm flood by a tsunami can sweep adults off their feet. I want those who live along the coast to be aware of a potential tsunami next time.” emphasized Naoshi Hirata, chairman of the committee (Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo)
In this most recent earthquake, violent shaking was felt over a wide area. According to Professor Ryota Hino (Seismology) of Tohoku University, this type of earthquake is less likely to be accompanied by a tsunami due to its deep epicenter, but it is more likely to tremor over a wider area than a shallow earthquake. It’s characterized by rattling with brief and repetitive shaking that is easy for people to feel. “The epicenter of this earthquake was close to the land, so the seismic intensity increased.” says Professor Hino
[One of my recently translated articles (for practice)]
ラーメンチェーン「一蘭」が初監修したVR(仮想現実)ゲームが誕生した。「カウンターファイト 一蘭」で、VR用のヘッドセットを使って遊ぶ。
A VR (virtual reality) game supervised by the ramen chain “Ichiran” was born. Play with a VR headset in “Counter Fight Ichiran”.
Players experience what it’s like to be an employee. The noodles must be served within a set period of time to be considered delicious, and the “15-second rule” along with the elegance of how the food is arranged all determines how many points you earn.
According to a spokesman, the kitchen, while not normally open to the public, is reproduced fairly accurately. The game has attracted the attention of foreign fans, as well as inquiries from overseas media. 1480 yen. ($14.05)
[One of my recently translated articles (for practice)]
In the United States, priority coronavirus vaccinations began December of last year for medical personnel and the elderly. A 57-year-old Japanese woman from Kyoto, who lives in Michigan in the Midwest, talked about her experience as a medical professional who had already completed two priority vaccinations.
A woman working at the reception desk of a dental clinic applied from the health center website and was vaccinated with a Pfizer vaccine on January 14th and February 4th. The inoculation to the upper arm was administered 5 minutes after arriving at the garage of a local fire department drive-through.
“At the moment of injection, there was a brief moment of pain. But I was more concerned about there being side effects. ”
In Japan, vaccinations are generally done by subcutaneous injection with a shallow needle. However, this vaccine is administered by an intramuscular injection that pierces the muscle beneath the subcutaneous tissue. This method is used in many vaccines overseas, and women who’ve taken it have not felt uncomfortable.
After inoculation, you drive to a waiting area and wait for 15 minutes. A staff member was patrolling the area in preparation for anyone who may experience an anaphylactic shock caused by a sudden allergic reaction.
As for side reactions, some experience what feels like muscle pain in the arm. The night after the second vaccination, she experienced a slight case of chills and a slight fever, but she recovered the next day.
Of the seven American colleagues who were vaccinated at the same time, half took antipyretics due to fever. At work, I heard conversations such as “I was worried about side reactions, but I don’t want to get infected with corona” and “If I were to get the vaccination, it would be ok to then not wear a mask right?” She feels like everyone has a different understanding of the vaccine.
Most of her colleagues who are 50 or older have already been vaccinated or have a reservation for one. “Some young people and pregnant women are thinking about not getting the vaccination. Only bout one in four people in the workplace, which is less than I expected. ” she says.
Due to the influence of the Coronavirus, she has been unable to return home for more than a year and unable to visit her elderly mother. “I hope that vaccinations will progress so that the infection rate will come under control in both the United States and Japan.” she says.
In the United States, about 10% of the population, about 35.8 million people, have completed at least the first shot of the vaccination, but vaccinations to the general public have not yet begun. Amid concerns over supply delays, the US government forecasts almost all citizens can get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine by the end of July. (Yuki Ishikawa)
[One of my recently translated articles (for practice)]