As the evening descended upon the flower district of Kyoto, Maiko Chizuru danced beneath the swaying cherry blossoms, her graceful movements akin to the gentle breeze. At that moment, a small blue dragonfly descended near the stage, dancing in the air in harmony with Chizuru’s dance.
Chizuru noticed the dragonfly, smiling as she continued to dance. Intrigued by the dragonfly’s presence, she welcomed it onto her stage amidst her performance. Together, they danced, soaring above the flower district on the wings of the wind. A dreamlike moment unfolded, and soon nightfall arrived.
By the time the moon rose, Chizuru and the dragonfly stood on a secluded path in the flower district. The dragonfly expressed gratitude to Chizuru and departed, leaving behind the memory of their beautiful encounter. With a smile, Chizuru watched the dragonfly fade into the distance, holding onto the deeply etched memory as she returned to the heart of the flower district.
Once upon a time, in a lush green meadow, there lived a beautiful dragonfly named Zephyr. Zephyr was no ordinary dragonfly. Her wings shimmered in the sunlight, with hues of emerald and sapphire. She was known to be the fastest and most graceful dragonfly in the meadow, darting effortlessly through the air. 昔々、緑豊かな草原に美しいトンボのゼファーが住んでいました。ゼファーは普通のトンボではありませんでした。エメラルドとサファイアの輝きを放つ翼を持ち、草原で最も速く、優雅に舞うトンボとして知られていました。
Zephyr spent her days fluttering from flower to flower and enjoying the warm sun on her wings. She would often stop to rest on a lily pad, admiring her reflection in the clear pond below. She was content with her simple life in the meadow, but deep down, she yearned for adventure. ゼファーは、花から花へと舞い、暖かい太陽の光を翼で浴びながら過ごしていました。時々、彼女は睡蓮の葉っぱで休憩し、水面に映る自分の姿を眺めていました。彼女は、草原でのシンプルな生活に満足していましたが、内心では冒険を望んでいました。
One day, as Zephyr was basking in the sun, she heard a faint cry for help. She followed the sound and found a small frog caught in a spider’s web. Without hesitation, Zephyr flew to the rescue. Using her strong wings, she carefully untangled the frog from the web and set him free. The grateful frog hopped away, thanking Zephyr for her bravery. ある日、ゼファーが日向ぼっこをしていると、かすかな助けの声を耳にしました。声の方向に向かって飛び、クモの巣にとらわれた小さなカエルを見つけました。迷わず、ゼファーは救出に飛び出しました。彼女は強い翼を使って、カエルをクモの巣から丁寧に解放し、自由にしました。カエルは勇気ある行動に感謝して跳び去りました。
From that day on, Zephyr became known as the protector of the meadow. Whenever a creature was in trouble, she was there to lend a helping wing. She saved birds from being caught by cats, rescued fish from shallow waters, and even helped bees find their way back to their hive. その日以来、ゼファーは草原の守護者として知られるようになりました。生き物が困っているときには、彼女が手助けに駆けつけました。彼女は、猫に捕まる鳥を救い、浅瀬に閉じ込められた魚を救い、さらには蜂を巣に戻すのを手伝いました。
Zephyr’s heroism didn’t go unnoticed. One day, as she was flying over the meadow, she heard a voice calling her name. She followed the sound and found a wise old dragon perched on a rock. ゼファーの勇敢さは人々に広まりました。ある日、草原の上を飛んでいると、声が聞こえました。声の方に向かって飛び、石の上に座っている老いた竜を見つけました。
“Zephyr, I have been watching you. Your kind heart and bravery have made you a hero in this meadow,” said the dragon. 「ゼファー、私はあなたを見ていました。あなたの優しい心と勇気によって、あなたはこの草原で英雄になりました。」と竜は言いました。
Zephyr was surprised but grateful for the dragon’s kind words. ゼファーは驚いていましたが、ドラゴンの親切な言葉に感謝していました。
“As a token of my appreciation, I will grant you one wish,” said the dragon. 「私の感謝のしるしに、あなたの願いを一つだけ叶えましょう」とドラゴンは言いました。
Zephyr thought for a moment before answering, “I wish to explore the world beyond this meadow.” ゼファーは少し考えた後、「私はこの草原を越えて、世界を探検したいです」と答えました。
The dragon smiled, “Your wish is granted.” ドラゴンは微笑み、「その願いを叶えましょう。」と言いました。
Zephyr’s wings began to glow, and suddenly, she was lifted high into the air. She soared above the trees, over the mountains, and across the seas. She saw things she never imagined existed, from towering waterfalls to bustling cities. She met creatures of all shapes and sizes, and shared her stories of heroism and kindness. ゼファーの羽は輝き始め、突然空高く飛び上がりました。彼女は木々の上、山々の上、海を越えて飛びました。彼女は想像もできないようなものを見ました。大きな滝から、にぎやかな街まで。あらゆる形や大きさの生き物たちに出会い、自分の勇気と優しさの物語を話しました。
As she traveled, Zephyr realized that her simple life in the meadow was just the beginning of her adventure. She returned to the meadow, grateful for the experiences and friendships she had gained along the way. From that day on, Zephyr continued to spread kindness and joy, inspiring others to be brave and explore the world beyond their own backyard. 旅をしているうちに、ゼファーは、草原でのシンプルな生活が冒険の始まりだったことに気付きました。彼女は草原に戻り、経験と友情に感謝していました。その日以降、ゼファーは他の人々に、勇敢になって自分の庭の外の世界を探検しようとする気持ちを抱かせることで、優しさと喜びを伝え続けました。
What if there were Bunshun guns in the Universal Century? Bungei Shunjū launches “Mobile Suit Gundam a testimony”
文藝春秋は「機動戦士ガンダム」シリーズの世界を独自の目線で伝えるムック「証言 機動戦士ガンダム 文藝春秋が見た宇宙世紀100年」を3月8日に発売する。1980円(税込)。 In the Bungei Shunjū series “Mobile Suit Gundam” world, a unique vision is conveyed through the mook “Mobile Suit Gundam a testimony, through the eyes of Bungei Shunjū in the 100th Universal Century” will be on sale beginning March 8th. 1980 yen (tax included)
ガンダムの世界に文藝春秋があったと仮定し、一年戦争が始まる宇宙世紀0079から、ラプラス事変が起きた宇宙世紀0105年までの記事を1冊にまとめた。 Assuming the Gundam world of Bungei Shunjū were to be realized, an article spanning from when the One Year War which took place in 0079 of the Universal Century, until the Laplace disaster in 0105, was arranged.
連邦が極秘で進めていた「V作戦」のスクープ、ギレン・ザビ総帥「戦死」公報を覆す新証言、一年戦争の殊勲艦“木馬”の乗組員が全員少年兵という匿名告発……数々のスクープで宇宙世紀の真実を暴く。 The exclusive on how the federation proceeded with “V tactics” in absolute secrecy, new information on the cover-up of commander Gihren Zabi’s “death in battle”, the One Year War’s distinguished warship “Trojan Horse” and the anonymous accusations about a child soldier crew compliment…… Various exclusives reveal the truths of what occurred in the Universal Century.
巻頭グラビアは「ミネバ・ラオ・ザビ殿下の肖像」。5月に公開する映画「閃光のハサウェイ」の特報も掲載する。サンライズが監修した。 “a portrait of His Highness Mineva Lao Zabi” leads the front page illustration. There will also be news about the upcoming film “Hathaway’s Flash” which will be released in May. Supervised by Sunrise.
[One of my translated articles (for practice)]
So appetizing, it would be a shame to eat! “Make you smile” bento (lunch box) design devised by elementary school students sells out during the morning
販売が始まった「食べるのもったいない!えみらる風弁当」 “So appetizing, it would be a shame to eat! Emiraru-style bento” is now on sale
Sixth graders at Tsujigaoka Elementary School in Nabari City, Mie Prefecture, started selling bento boxes (lunch boxes) themed “Despite Corona, the neighborhood smiles with spirit.” at the nearby Super Yaohiko Nabari store on the 1st. For a limited time of about one week, 10 to 15 meals a day are lined up at the store entrance.
The lunch box “So appetizing, it would be a shame to eat! Emiraru-style bento” was commercialized by a supermarket based on the ideas of sixth graders. The package is decorated with the local mascot “Emiraru” and is packed with broiled soybean paste, deep-fried tofu, and fried shrimp. The label was designed by children with a message of support also included. 429 yen (tax included).
This bento idea was implemented by the elementary school cooking class to give kids the opportunity to think independently about food and home economics for the Corona crisis. 110 sixth graders complemented the lunch box with illustrations etc. Three candidates were selected at a school assembly, and out of them, one plan was chosen and produced by the supermarket.
15 meals were sold on the first day. They sold out during the morning. “Nabari’s bento is full of food and color. It has a good balance of color and nutrition.” says the person in charge of the supermarket side dish department. All 110 bento ideas are also on display in the store.
[One of my translated articles (for practice)]
Kodansha sales and e-book business rights outperform paper
講談社=東京都文京区 Kodansha = Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo
出版大手の講談社が19日に発表する通期決算で、電子書籍と権利ビジネスを合わせた売り上げが、紙の出版物を初めて上回ることがわかった。 On the 19th, the major publishing company Kodansha announced in their full-year financial results, that for the first time the financial earnings of their electronic books and business rights outperformed their paper publications.
2019年12月から20年11月の講談社の売り上げ約1449億円のうち、紙の雑誌と書籍が約635億円で前年比で1・2%減、電子書籍は約532億円で19・4%増えた。「転生したらスライムだった件」「進撃の巨人」などのヒット漫画が引き続き人気なうえ、コロナ禍で巣ごもり需要が高まったことも要因とみられる。漫画を元にしたアニメ化やゲーム化などに伴う権利ビジネスによる収入は約170億円で、特に海外向けは前年より3割ほど増えた。 From December of 2019 until November of 2020, of the 144.9 billion yen in Kodansha sales, paper magazines and book sales netted only 63.5 billion yen which is about a 1.2% decrease, while e-books sales reached 53.2 billion yen which is a 19.4 percent increase. Hit manga such as “That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime” and “Attack on Titan” continued to remain popular and then there is the stay-at-home order due to the Coronavirus crisis which both seems to have contributed to the change. About 17 billion yen in revenue was earned from business rights in manga adaptations such as anime, games, etc., and in particular, overseas-focused content which increased by about 30% from the previous year.
講談社全体で売り上げは前年比6・7%増、当期純利益は同36億円増の約108億円だった。 Kodansha’s overall sales have increased by 6.7% from last year, and it’s net income for the year increased 3.6 billion yen which overall is about 10.8 billion yen.
出版界全体では、出版科学研究所によると、20年の電子出版の市場規模は3931億円で、前年比28%増。16年からほぼ倍増し、紙と合わせた市場全体の4分の1近くを占めるほどになった。うち87%が電子コミックで、講談社など漫画に強い大手では電子出版の割合がより高くなっている。一方、紙の市場は16年連続で減少している。(滝沢文那) According to the Institute of Publishing Science, in the last 20 years, the electronic publishing world as a whole has a market size of 393.1 billion yen, which is an increase of 28% from the previous year. In the last 16 years, it has nearly doubled, which accounts for nearly a quarter of the entire market for paper. Among these, 87% are electronic comics, and in major manga publishing companies such as Kodansha, electronic publishing has become significantly higher in percentage. Meanwhile, the paper market has been declining for the past 16 consecutive years. (Fumina Takizawa)
[One of my translated articles (for practice)]
ガンホー・オンライン・エンターテイメントは,スマートフォンアプリ「パズル&ドラゴンズ」(iOS / Android)で,マーベルとの初コラボレーションを本日(2021年2月22日)から3月8日9:59まで開催する。
GungHo Online Entertainment and Marvel collaborate to launch their first smartphone app “Puzzle & Dragons” (iOS/Android) today (February 22, 2021) until March 8 to 9:59.
本コラボには,映画やコミックで人気の「アイアンマン」「ウルヴァリン」らに加えて,イベント告知時には伏せられていた「スパイダーマン」ら,人気ヒーローたちが参戦。 彼らはコラボガチャで入手できる可能性があるという。 なお,ウルヴァリンを初めて獲得した際は,オリジナルデザインのきせかえドロップが開放されるとのこと。
In this joint venture, not only will Iron Man and Wolverine who are popular in the movies and comics, but the popular Spider-Man who was previously unannounced will also join the battle. They say these heroes will also be available in collaboration with Gacha as well. Also, the first time you acquire Wolverine, an original design will be released as a drop.
さらに,「ロキ」「ヴェノム」「マグニートー」「サノス」が待ち受けるダンジョンも用意される。 こちらでドロップする“アイソトープ8”を集めると,「親愛なる隣人・スパイダーマン」「ニック・フューリー」などをアプリ内のモンスター交換所で入手できるという。
Additionally, Loki, Venom, Magneto, and Thanos dungeons await your acceptance. As you collect the “Isotope 8” which drops there, you can unlock “Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man”, Nick Fury, and more at the in-app monster exchange.
<Below is the original announcement from the manufacturer>
【Puzzle & Dragons】First event with MARVEL is finally being held! Spider-Man will also join the battle!
Puzzle RPG “Puzzles & Dragons (also known as Puzudora)” will team up with MARVEL for the first time and hold an event on February 22, 2021.
In this event, popular heroes of MARVEL such as Iron Man and Spider-Man will appear in Gacha and Event Dungeons.
Please check their website for further details.
MARVEL is finally going to hold their first event.
Those who login on the day of the event will get Iron Man’s “Extreme Armor”, and then you can play Pazudora together with the world’s most famous hero Iron Man, so don’t forget!
▼Marvel Entertainmentについて
▼About Marvel Entertainment
Marvel Entertainmentはウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーの100%子会社で、世界有数のキャラクターをベースにしたエンターテイメント企業です。
Marvel Entertainment is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Walt Disney, one of the world’s leading character-based entertainment corporations.
With over 8,000 characters, including Spider-Man and Iron Man, we have been providing content through a variety of media for over 80 years.
MARVEL has been a huge success in film and television entertainment, licensing, publishing, and other digital media.
For more information, please visit (C) 2021 MARVEL
[One of my translated articles (for practice)]