Guides & Virtual Hub

With a combination of research, content organizing, AI, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator, and open-source databases, I was able to create some learning materials organized in the guides and virtual hub for this website.

The virtual hub has various vocabulary lists and resources.  This can also be viewed from inside tonbo cafe.

virtual hub

Next are the various guides I’ve put together.  Particles build the fundamental structure of Japanese sentences so I started with them.  More guides are in the works, so check them out if you are interested.


If you are learning English or Japanese, go check them out; you may find them useful!

tonbo website

This website was redesigned (from the original) using the free Twenty Seventeen WordPress community theme with heavy CSS and HTML modifications.  There are also many plugins and widgets installed for a more secure and interactive blog-style website.   The plugins range from anti-spamming, secure logins, and other security-related features, to Google Analytics boosters, Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest plugins, and secure web form builders designed for WordPress.

  I often try other color schemes just for the experience of doing so.  Since this theme was implemented there have been several, but the screenshots above show the latest design as of this post. 

Thanks for visiting!

tonbo symbols

Lately, I’ve been working on some images to represent tonbo on social media etc. This new image combines many recent logos, and mascots into one combined image.

I put together a very simple video below, showing some of the images in their separate files and the many layers involved in each piece of artwork.

Most of the content in this artwork was created via Adobe Illustrator, but the final product and touch-ups were done with Adobe Photoshop.