New tonbo symbols!

Lately, I’ve been working on some images to represent tonbo on social media etc. This new image combines many recent logos, and mascots into one combined image.

I put together a very simple video below, showing some of the images in their separate files and the many layers involved in each piece of artwork.

Most of the content in this artwork was created via Adobe Illustrator, but the final product and touch-ups were done with Adobe Photoshop.

Retired gaming website


This is a website that I made for a gaming club. I believe the only reason I retired it was because Flash and inline frames were going out of style. I created all this content in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, and Notepad.
これは私がゲームクラブのために作ったウェブサイトです。 私がそれを引退した唯一の理由は、フラッシュプレーヤーとインラインフレームが不調になってきたからだと思ったからです。 Adobe Photoshop、Adobe Flash、およびメモ帳に、これらすべてのコンテンツを作成しました。

-GD- logo and wallpaper

This is a logo and the resulting desktop wallpaper I made for a gaming guild.

GD gaming website design

This is a gaming website I made for a clan in Star Wars: The Old Republic.  All components of this website I designed in Photoshop except for the banner screenshots which were freely provided by the website development kit at and then modified.
これは、Star Wars: The Old Republicのゲームクランのために作ったWEBサイトです。全てのコンポーネントはPhotoshopでデザインしましたが、バナースクリーンショットは www.swtor.comでフリーで提供されているものを、編集して使用しました。

Icon Graphics

Various assets developed in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

This icon set is one of many I’ve worked on for websites and message boards.