G7首脳会議後の菅首相発言詳報 東京五輪開催「全員の支持を得た」

This is a detailed report on Prime Minister Suga’s remarks after the G7 summit. “We have the support of everyone” -Hosting of the Tokyo Olympics
SOURCE: https://www.sankei.com/politics/photos/210220/plt2102200008-p1.html

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga responded to the reporter’s questions at the Prime Minister’s Office after the videoconference for the leaders of the seven developed countries (G7) who gathered for the first time on the early morning of the 20th. Here is a detailed report:

Q. G7首脳会議ではどのようなことを話したか。東京五輪・パラリンピックへの言及はあったか。
 What did you talk about at the G7 Summit? Did you mention the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics?

 I was able to inform them of our infection rate, and the effective measures we’ve taken. In addition, the vaccine will put an end to this infectious disease, and how it will be distributed fairly. We discussed the importance and agreed upon a direction forward.

 Of course there are the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, but this summer, as a sign of humanities victory over Corona, I would like to see a safe and secure tournament come to fruition. I made a statement saying so and was able to gain the support of all the G7 leaders. It was very encouraging. That’s how I felt about it. 

 Although it was the first meeting with the G7 leaders, as leaders who share a universal set of values, we will work together even more from now on including getting past corona. In that sense, I felt it to be a very powerful meeting.

Q. G7首脳が東京五輪の開催を支持したことの意義についてどのように考えるか。
 What do you think about the significance of the G7 leaders supporting the holding of the Tokyo Olympics?

 In circumstances such as these, I’m very grateful for gaining the support to continue the athletic games with a focus on safety and security.

Q. 首脳声明では、開催を「支持する」ではなく、開催をする「日本の決意を支持する」という表現だが、東京五輪の開催に何か疑念の声があったということなのか。
 In a joint statement by summit leaders, they did not state “we support holding the event” but rather “we support Japan’s decision to hold the event.”, so could there be some doubt expressed in Japan’s decision to hold the event?

That wasn’t it at all

Q. G7首脳もこれまでとメンバーが変わったが。
 There are many new members now in the G7 though,

I had a telephone conversation with each of the leaders, and being on screen together and seeing everyone for a long while, I began to feel as if we were truly connecting.

Q. 開催の支持ではなく開催の決意の支持となった理由は何かあるのか。
 Was there a reason for supporting the decision to hold the event rather than supporting it?

No, there’s nothing to that at all.

SOURCE: https://www.sankei.com/politics/news/210220/plt2102200008-n1.html

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